Monday, April 11, 2011

My week!

This week is going to be pretty busy! Here is my week(Sun-Sun):
Sunday: Church, went home with some friends and went swimming!
Monday(today): Went to Veritas, rode Cassie, homework/study for bio test and geometry quiz
Tuesday: School at home, maybe ride?, hw/study for bio test and geometry quiz
Wednesday: School at home, maybe ride if I don't ride tomorrow, hw/study for test and a geometry quiz
Thursday: School @ home, hw and study, pedicure with my bff:)
Friday: Veritas(bio test, geometry quiz), and FPD Prom
Saturday: Maybe ride, spend the night with my bff:)
Sunday: Church and weekend hw

Does that sound like much to you? It is to me! Especially since I'm a bigg procrastinator. ;)

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